Ayurveda oil massage
Oil Massage – Oil Massage is done with respect to the vitiated dosha/ humor of the body to pacify it. At Swarnam Ayurveda, we use oil or combination of oils as per requirement of the body or the intensity of the issue /dosha .
Massaging daily with ayurvedic oils is one of the positive ways to unlock the body’s healing ability – cheering your body and mind
Oil Massage enhances the strength of body and it stays in a good shape. Stress experienced by people creates a negative impact on their physical and mental well being – sometimes leaving them depressed. The treatment enhances the function of beneficial hormones of skin sending a positive therapeutic vibe, thus relaxing mind and body. The endocrine and nervous system get more balanced while affecting billions of nerve ending points that connect brain to the vital organs.
Ayurvedic oil or thailum is a very unique formula that contains the components of around 50 different plants. The oil molecules being very small in size, get into your skin easily thereby delivering medicinal properties to each cell in the body. The ingredients used in making the Ayurvedic oils we use have been carefully selected to suit the physiological need in the body aiming to return the body’s natural state of health.