Ayurveda Potli Massage
Potli Massage – It is is an old technique very helpful to alleviate the pain from osteoarthritis and spondylitis among others. Various herbs are combined together and wrapped in a cloth to massage and regularize the body constituents and is done to strengthen the body.
Potli massage therapy is done by heating up the herbal pouches that are known as Potlis or poultice prepared by mixing appropriate ayurvedic herbs. These herbs whether fresh and dried are very carefully chosen for the treatment based on the subject to be treated.
The Potlis refresh, calm and nourish the body, providing an overall therapeutic effect on the body. The potlis are packed in a muslin cloth, dipped in warm medicated oil (for a wet massage) or dipped in herbal powders (for a dry massage), and then applied on the relevant pressure points. This therapy is nowadays also been offered in spas but an experienced practitioner can help you realise its true benefits. When the warm potli is massaged into the body, it exposes the pores and relaxes the muscles which allow the delicately chosen herbs to work on the body and mind. Benefits of Potli Massage People suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis, frozen shoulders, osteoarthritis are often recommended Potli massage as a part of their treatment. However the contents of the potli would differ according to the illness of the person or as required by the body. At Swarnam Ayurveda, we can advise the best treatment only after an initial diagnosis of the health issues or concerns. Apart from curing arthritis and joint related issues, Potli massage helps to sooth pain and inflammation, improve blood circulation and flexibility