Ayurveda Treatment for Headache & Migraine
Even though performing Shirodhara can bring about a lot of health benefits, it is often said that there is a time for everything. This treatment is usually recommended for patients who are suffering from hair loss or migraine. During this treatment, a stream of oil is dripped on the head of the patient at a steady pace. It results in relaxation, stillness and calmness to your mind. Apart from treating hair falls and migraines, shirodhara is used as a stress buster, nervous issues, hypertension and insomnia. Its main motive hence is to revitalize the mind and bring a sense of oneness to the body.
There is a table called the Panchakarma table where the patient is made to lie down. After that, there will be a copper bowl hung above the head of the patient pointing out the forehead. Before the starting of this process, a cloth will be placed on the eyebrows of the patient to prevent the oil from flowing into the eyes.

Shiro Vasti
It is an ayurvedic treatment focused on pain relief from head. In this procedure, the head is first covered by a cap while it is left hollow inside to retain oil for a certain period of time. The herbal oil that is poured on the head reduces the headache as well as gives the person a sense of calmness for an extended period of time.