Ayurveda Treatment for High Blood Pressure

Lower your blood pressure in a natural way with Ayurveda and stay healthy

Ayurveda can help you lower blood pressure (BP)  quickly. Experts say that diet, lifestyle and exercise with Ayurveda care can successfully control your blood pressure levels. We tend to agree and Ayurveda treatment  is a big positive to manage issues of high blood pressure, or hypertension, patients. We recommend that with any symptoms of high blood pressure an individual must take immediate steps to bring it down. Much like other lifestyle diseases, you just need to make a few simple changes to your lifestyle to protect yourself from hypertension and high BP.  Ayurvedic treatment for high blood pressure is an effective way to manage the disease.
A range of psychological and somatic factors need to be considered in treatment of hypertension and high blood pressure. You can also make certain dietary changes to reduce high blood pressure such as avoidance of very spicy, sour and salty foods as these elevate body temperature.

It is advisable to avoid foods with preservatives like ready-to-eat preparations and pickles, breads and white/ plain flour products, untimely food habits, binge eating and frozen food/ snacks.

Ayurveda treatment for high blood pressure
Ayurveda for high blood pressure Melbourne
Instead, it is advisable to consume fresh foods, include lentils, wheat, fruits like pomegranate and berries, garlic, pomegranates, sesame, wheat bran and ginger, beetroot, red cabbage, watermelon and apple, seasonal vegetables with efforts to have dinner early. Sweet, astringent and bitter foods clear pitta and reduce blood impurities. A fat and oil-free diet is also recommended as it may aggravate vata and kapha qualities in the body. Adequate amounts of daily water intake also helps.

High blood pressure patients must avoid staying awake too late at night or sleeping immediately after meals, having late-night meals and binge eating; consumption of alcohol, smoking are also bad. disease.