There are four pairs of sinuses. According to the location, these sinuses are as follows :
Frontal sinuses : Frontal sinuses are present above the eyes in the eyebrows or in the forehead region.
Sphenoid sinuses : Sphenoid sinuses are present behind the eyes and in the upper nose.
Ethmoid sinuses : Ethmoid sinuses are present behind the nasal bridges and between the eye sockets.
Maxillary sinuses : Maxillary sinuses are present on either side of the cheekbone area.

Functions of sinuses
The general functions of sinuses include:
- The sinuses make our skull light in weight.
- The mucosa which lines the sinus cavities produce a slimy secretion. This secretion is known as mucus. Mucus helps in keeping our nasal passages moist. Mucus also helps in trapping the dirt particles and germs etc.
- Sinus cavity is also helpful in resonating our voice.
Classification of sinusitis
The general functions of sinuses include:
- Sinusitis can be divided on the basis of which pair of sinuses have been affected like frontal sinusitis, sphenoidal sinusitis, ethmoidal sinusitis or maxillary sinusitis.
- Sinusitis is also based on the causative agent as viral sinusitis and bacterial sinusitis. Viral sinusitis is caused due to various viruses. Bacterial sinusitis is caused due to various bacteria. In rare cases, fungal infection can also cause sinusitis. But it is most commonly reported in immunocompromised patients or after infection with a virus or bacteria.
- Sinusitis is also classified on the basis of its periodicity. It includes acute sinusitis, sub acute sinusitis, chronic sinusitis Acute sinusitis means sinusitis which starts suddenly. It can last for two to four weeks. If acute sinusitis occurs many times a year then it is called recurrent sinusitis. Sub acute sinusitis means when infection lasts for four to twelve weeks. Chronic sinusitis is where inflammation persists for twelve weeks or more than twelve weeks.

Causes of sinusitis
The common causes of sinusitis are
- Upper respiratory tract infection which can be viral, bacterial or fungal in nature.
- Irritants in the air. These irritants can be chemical in nature, smoke or dust etc.
- Nasal problems like polyps or deviated nasal septum can also be a causative agent of sinusitis.
- Weak immune system which leads to repeated episodes of allergy which ultimately leads to sinusitis.
Rarely a dental infection can be a cause behind sinusitis. - Due to sinusitis excessive mucus has been produced in the nasal cavity. This mucus can be thicker than the normal mucus. The excessive and thick mucus can block the nose and interfere with the mucus drainage and air flow and cause other symptoms. This condition is called sinusitis.

Symptoms of sinusitis
The common symptoms of sinusitis include
- Headache
- Pain in eyes
- Pain in forehead
- Pain in cheeks or facial pain
- Thick mucus in the nose which cause blockage and difficulty in breathing
- Constant pressure on head
- Nasal discharge
- Fever
- Occasional toothache
- Ear problems
- Dizziness
- Foul smell from mouth
- Bad breath
- Post nasal drip
- Cough
- Low energy level which results in fatigue and tiredness
These are the general symptoms of sinusitis. However they may differ from one person to another or symptoms can also vary according to the pair of sinuses involved. Also the symptoms of chronic or acute sinusitis can also vary. If sinusitis is not managed properly it can lead to complications like infection in nearby other organs like eyes, facial bones or ears. It can also lead to loss of sense of smell etc.
How to diagnose the sinusitis
If you think you have been suffering from sinusitis, then you should consult a qualified physician. On the basis of your signs and symptoms and clinical examination the physician will make your proper diagnosis whether you have been suffering from sinusitis or not. Sometimes investigations like nasal endoscopy, X-ray, CT scan or some blood tests can be advised by your physician.
Sinusitis in Ayurveda
In Ayurvedic textbooks there are some conditions which can be correlated with the modern day sinusitis problem. Apeenas roga, peenas roga and dushta pratishyaya are three different problems related to upper respiratory tract infection, which had been described in the Ayurvedic textbooks. These can be correlated with the sinusitis on the basis of symptoms and other details. Apeenas roga occur due to vitiation of Vata dosha and Kapha dosha mainly. However peenas roga or dushta pratishyaya can occur due to vitiation of any three dosha. (Three dosha are Vata dosha, Pitta dosha and Kapha dosha which are three body energies. These three dosha are responsible for all physiological functions when in balanced state). Vata dosha is the main dosha involved in this problem, while Kapha dosha, Pitta dosha and rakta (blood tissue) are associated factors.
Some of the main causes which had been described in the classical Ayurvedic textbook Sushruta Samhita by Master Sushruta are as follows :
- Exposure of the head region to excessive heat like sunlight of summer season.
- Exposure to smoke
- Exposure to dust or pollens or environmental pollutants etc.
- Exposure to excessive heat or excessive cold environment.
- Forceful retention of urge to pass urine or stool.

Management of sinusitis in modern system of medicine
In allopathy or modern system of medicine the management of sinusitis is done with the help of antibiotics, anti histamines, nasal sprays, corticosteroids and nasal irrigation etc.
In some cases surgical intervention is also done to correct the underlying cause.
Ayurvedic management of sinusitis
- The Ayurvedic management to sinusitis depends on the root cause. Ayurveda focuses on treating the main cause and avoiding the causative factors rather than giving symptomatic management.
- Ayurvedic management also depends on various factors like which dosha is vitiated, which symptoms are severe and is there any other disease associated with sinusitis etc.
- In Ayurvedic management panchakarma therapy, oral medicines, yoga and lifestyle changes can be advised by the Ayurveda practitioner.
- The best treatment approach can be decided by the physician after clinical examination.
- In panchakarma vaman or emesis therapy can be advised to balance the vitiated Kapha dosha.
- Virechana or purgation therapy is also advised in some people.
- Nasya or administration of Ayurvedic preparations through nasal passage can be advised by the Ayurveda physician. Oils, herbal decoctions or herbal juices etc.
- can be used for nasya.
- Dhumrapana or herbal smoking is also used in some patients.
- Along with these Ayurveda physicians also use various oral Ayurvedic medicines like vyaghri haritaki, pathyadi kashyam, khadiradi vatika, vyoshadi vatika, haridra khand, chyawan prasha, vasa churnam, shira shoolari vajra rasa and laxmi vilas rasa etc.
Yoga and breathing exercises for sinusitis
- Kapal bhati and pranayama are good breathing exercises for people suffering from sinusitis. However one should learn the proper procedure to do it. Also consult your physician before doing it.
- Bhujnga asana or cobra pose, hala asana or plow pose, sarvang asana or shoulder stand, matsya asana or fish pose, chakra asana or wheel pose and dhanur asana or bow pose are some of the common yoga poses which are advised to do people suffering from sinusitis.
- But all yoga poses are not suitable for every person. So always consult your yoga instructor before trying any yoga pose and learn the right technique to do it.
Useful kitchen spices
Some of the commonly available spices which can be found easily in the kitchen are shunthi or dry form of zinger, pippali or Piper longum, maricha or Piper nigrum, cloves, tulsi or holy basil leaves, cardamom, licorice, turmeric and honey etc. People suffering from sinusitis can add these to their food regimen as these are helpful to them in various ways.
However if someone is allergic to any of the spices they can avoid that particular spice.
Home remedies and precautions
- Proper rest should be taken whenever required.
- Improve immunity by adding various vegetables, fruits and pulses in your diet.
- Always keep yourself hydrated by drinking enough liquid and eat light, warm, homemade and properly cooked food which is easy to digest.
- To avoid a cold environment, cover your body with comfortable and warm clothes.
- Environmental pollutants and irritants like smoke, dust and fog should also be avoided.
- Mustard oil is helpful in keeping the nasal passage clean. One can follow this method to use mustard oil. Heat a small amount of mustard oil. In lukewarm state pour two to three drops of mustard oil on each side of the nose with a dropper. After pouring, take a deep breath. Some amount of oil comes out in the throat. Spit this oil out. Then do gargles with saline water.
- Steam inhalation can be done regularly and many times a day in sinusitis. Simple water steam can be taken. One can add a few drops of eucalyptus oil in their water while taking steam.
- A homemade decoction of ginger, holy basil leaves, cardamom and cinnamon can be taken once daily.