Head massage Ayurveda treatment

Head massage ayurveda treatment melbourne

Head massage Ayurveda treatment

Head massage Ayurveda treatment referred as Shiro Abhyanga is a specially designed remedial treatment primarily concentrated on integral points (Marma) of head, neck and shoulders.

The head massage Ayurveda treatment brings calmness, peace and serenity and also offers high level of sharpness and concentration. It also makes a person more capable to face the toughness of day-to-day life with much ease.

The basic material needed for head massage also referred as Shiro Abhyanga is oil. The oil usually mixed in are sesame oil, coconut oil or a herbal oil. The method is to draw up the medicated oil according to the patient or the nature of morbidity. During the Ayurveda Head Massage, Ayurvedic oil is kept for a considerable amount of time on the head of an individual. This is referred as ‘Moordha taila’ or application of the oil to Head (‘Murdhani’ means head and ‘Taila’ means herbal oil). In other words, Murdhni Taila is a practice of operating medication on head using herbal or medicated oils such that the oil remains in contact with the scalp for a fixed duration of time. This contact period of oil on the scalp is necessary for engendering its benefits.

Some benefits of Head Oil Massage –

  • It de-stresses the whole body
  • Expands the flow of cerebro-spinal fluids, hence rejuvenating the nervous system
  • There is a distribution of toxins from tense and knotted muscles that improves the blood circulation in formerly jammed muscles
  • Productive against eyestrain, jaw ache and sinusitis. It also triggers lymphatic drainage and aids sleep
  • It helps to remove the toxins and other side effects caused by the use of dyes, etc.
  • The massage is beneficial to the hair roots and avoids excessive hair loss

For person of any age, head massage Ayurveda treatment generally proves to be relaxing treatment. Shiro abhynaga done in conjunction with neck and shoulder therapy offers a unique blissful experience.

Body Massage ABHYANGA

Body Massage (ABHYANGA)

Oil Massage – It is done with respect to the vitiated dosha/humor of the body to pacify it. Oil or combination of oils are used as per se requirement of the body of an individual. Potli Massage – To regularize the body constituents various herbs are combined together and are wrapped in a cloth . Thus is massaged all over the body or where required. These are done to strengthen the body. Powder Massage (UDVARTANAM) – This is done with the help of powders that are exclusively selected as per the body. It is an effective treatment for obesity, skin disorders etc. Head Massage (SHIRO ABHYANGA) – Ayurvedic head massage or Shiro Abhyanga is a specially designed remedial treatment that is primarily concentrated on integral points (Marma) of head, Neck and shoulders.

With the Ayurvedic massage, the stress and toxins are all piled up in mind and body soften and eventually drain off.
A regular treatment of this relaxing treatment has a number of benefits such as: Abhyanga increases circulation in the nerves It tones the muscles and lubricates the joints Ayurvedic massage calms downs the nerves thereby suppressing the stress. It is beneficial in expanding your mental alertness Abhyanga drains off the impurities from your body Ayurvedic massage therapy acts as a beauty agent too as it replenishes skin cells giving you a soft and smooth skin Ayurveda massage also improves stamina and helps with relaxed undisturbed sleep at nights Ayurveda massage offers best results in the morning before your bath so that it smoothes the toxins that might have released during the previous night. At Swarnam, we use herbalized massage oil for ayurvedic massage, tailored specially to protect the skin from radical damage. These herbs are known for their ability to strengthen the physiology and enhance balancing power of mind.

Ayurveda Potli Massage

Ayurveda Potli Massage Melbourne

Ayurveda Potli Massage

Potli Massage – It is is an old technique very helpful to alleviate the pain from osteoarthritis and spondylitis among others. Various herbs are combined together and wrapped in a cloth to massage and regularize the body constituents and is done to strengthen the body.

Potli massage therapy is done by heating up the herbal pouches that are known as Potlis or poultice prepared by mixing appropriate ayurvedic herbs. These herbs whether fresh and dried are very carefully chosen for the treatment based on the subject to be treated.
The Potlis refresh, calm and nourish the body, providing an overall therapeutic effect on the body. The potlis are packed in a muslin cloth, dipped in warm medicated oil (for a wet massage) or dipped in herbal powders (for a dry massage), and then applied on the relevant pressure points. This therapy is nowadays also been offered in spas but an experienced practitioner can help you realise its true benefits. When the warm potli is massaged into the body, it exposes the pores and relaxes the muscles which allow the delicately chosen herbs to work on the body and mind. Benefits of Potli Massage People suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, spondylitis, frozen shoulders, osteoarthritis are often recommended Potli massage as a part of their treatment. However the contents of the potli would differ according to the illness of the person or as required by the body. At Swarnam Ayurveda, we can advise the best treatment only after an initial diagnosis of the health issues or concerns. Apart from curing arthritis and joint related issues, Potli massage helps to sooth pain and inflammation, improve blood circulation and flexibility

Ayurveda oil massage


Ayurveda oil massage

Oil Massage – Oil Massage is done with respect to the vitiated dosha/ humor of the body to pacify it. At Swarnam Ayurveda, we use oil or combination of oils as per requirement of the body or the intensity of the issue /dosha .
Massaging daily with ayurvedic oils is one of the positive ways to unlock the body’s healing ability – cheering your body and mind
Oil Massage enhances the strength of body and it stays in a good shape. Stress experienced by people creates a negative impact on their physical and mental well being – sometimes leaving them depressed. The treatment enhances the function of beneficial hormones of skin sending a positive therapeutic vibe, thus relaxing mind and body. The endocrine and nervous system get more balanced while affecting billions of nerve ending points that connect brain to the vital organs.
Ayurvedic oil or thailum is a very unique formula that contains the components of around 50 different plants. The oil molecules being very small in size, get into your skin easily thereby delivering medicinal properties to each cell in the body. The ingredients used in making the Ayurvedic oils we use have been carefully selected to suit the physiological need in the body aiming to return the body’s natural state of health.


Shirodhara Therapy Melbourne


SHIRODHARA– It is a form of Ayurveda therapy that involves gently pouring herbal liquids like oil over the forehead exactly at the middle spot of head. IN AYURVEDA, Shirodhara is well recognised for its benefits in improving Vata and Pitta. The name comes from the Sanskrit origin that is shiro (head) and dhara (flow).

Shirodhara is an ancient ayurvedic therapy that creates a deep impact on the nervous system. It is one of the most helpful rejuvenating and purification therapy.

The procedure includes that the warm oil or a selected herbal liquid is continuously poured over your forehead (ajna marma) with the help of a mud pot at a specific height above the person’s head. It is because this is the area where all your nerves are concentrated. Eventually there is a vibration produced in your forehead by the pressure of the oil. It is poured for a specific period of time continuously and rhythmically allowing the oil to run through the scalp and into the hair. Thus, the oil soaks in the forehead and scalp and finally penetrates into the nervous system. The tender pressure and the relaxing warmth of the oil allows the body, mind and nervous system to achieve a deep state of rest, similar to meditation. The deep impact of Shirodhara on the nervous system helps as rejuvenation and purification therapy.

Ayurveda Massage Therapies

Ayurveda Massage Therapies Melbourne

Ayurveda Massage Therapies

Body Massage (ABHYANGA) – Done only when required by the body:
Potli Massage – To regularize the body constituents various herbs are combined together and are wrapped in a cloth . Thus is massaged all over the body or where required. These are done to strengthen the body.
Powder Massage (UDVARTANAM)– This is done with the help of powders that are exclusively selected as per the body. Effective in treatment of obesity , skin disorders etc.
Oil Massage – It is done with respect to the vitiated dosha/humor of the body to pacify it. A single oil or a combination of oils is used depending on the health issue in the body.

Massaging daily with ayurvedic oils is one of the positive ways to unlock the body’s healing ability – cheering your body and mind

Oil Massage enhances the strength of body and it stays in a good shape. Stress experienced by people creates a negative impact on their physical and mental well being – sometimes leaving them depressed. The oil massage enhances the functioning of beneficial hormones of skin that sends a positive therapeutic vibe, thus relaxing mind and body. The endocrine and nervous system gets balanced as a result while affecting those billions of nerve ending points that connect to the entire body from brain to the vital organs.